Imam on terrorist watch list delivers opening prayer during Utah Senate Session

Yussuf Awadir Abdi, an Imam who is on a federal government terrorist watch list, delivered the opening prayer at a Utah Senate Session in February 2020.

After delivering the prayer, Abdi took to Facebook to praise “allah”. He wrote:

All praises is due to Allaah who gave me to mention his name and his prayer front of our state senators. Thank you UTAH Muslim Civic league for giving me this opportunity.

Abdi was placed on the terrorist watch list in 2014 and later fought in court to be removed from the list, but his request was denied by the Judge.

Abdi is one of several muslims that The Utah Muslim Civic League has arranged to deliver the opening prayers at the Utah State Capitol. The Utah Muslim Civic League is an organization that seeks to get muslims in Utah involved in politics, including running for office.

Abdi is the imam of Salt Lake City’s Madina Masjid Islamic Center.

6 thoughts on “Imam on terrorist watch list delivers opening prayer during Utah Senate Session

  1. Infiltration is a technique to befriend and beguile Infidels… YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED…! 🚨 Not by Allah’s Deceiver (Prayer Guy) but by ME, a crotchety old Irishman in Upstate New York. 🍀


  2. Correct. Islam is very cunning. In the UK we are now under severe political Islamic infiltration into the body politic. All elements are used in Jihad and this is but one. Even the womb is used as a weapon creating soldiers for Allah as endorsed by imams. Be warned indeed.


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