Somali Woman Running For Minnesota House Of Representatives

Somali Woman Running For Minnesota House Of Representatives

Safia Ahmed is running for Minnesota House of Representatives, District 41B.

Ahmed is the daughter of refugees from Somalia. She says that “it’s now more important than ever to bring new immigrant communities in our party”. Ahmed claims that President Trump “attacks immigrants and people of color”.

Ahmed recently released a statement announcing her run for office:

I’m thrilled to share that I’m running for 41B House of Representatives!

As a lifelong resident of Columbia Heights, I love our district’s vibrant immigrant and business communities, and my neighbors have told me they’re ready to see leadership that reflects the diversity of our district.

I grew up as the daughter of refugees from Somalia and have spent my life bringing people together across difference to improve our community. I am running a multiracial campaign to unite the diverse communities of our district to fight for racial and economic justice for all.

Our neighbors are being priced out of their homes, are concerned about skyrocketing education costs, the existential threat of climate change, and unreliable public transportation options.

That’s why I will fight to fully fund affordable housing and public schools, push for a Green New Deal for our state creating tens of thousands of green energy jobs, and free college and free public transportation for all.

With Trump’s attacks on immigrants and people of color, it’s now more important than ever to bring new immigrant communities in our party, and that’s the work I’ve been doing my whole life.

I’m asking for your support, with your help I will be a strong voice for our communities at the State Legislature. If you live in district 41B in Columbia Heights, New Brighton, or St. Anthony, I need you to caucus for me on February 25th and become a delegate to the DFL convention.

Ahmed is endorsed by several Somali Minnesota Politicians, including State Representative Hodan Hassan, State Representative Mohamud Noor and Minneapolis Park Board Vice President AK Hassan.

By Deplorable Kel

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One thought on “Somali Woman Running For Minnesota House Of Representatives

  1. What is ever blooming going on here? It’s not clear if she is a citizen or not in order to run for a political office. Most of all, If she likes, at least, some of the qualities that make this country special, why is she, among others, stating that she intends to shred the U.S. Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land and strictly and severely limits what the federal government is permitted to do (see also article 1, section 1, and the rest of the law), on the premise that big, expensive, invasive government is to be strongly abhorred.


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