Muslim Runs For Minnesota State Senate

Muslim Runs For Minnesota State Senate

Omar Fateh is a Democratic candidate for Minnesota State Senate, District 62.

Fateh recently announced his candidacy on Facebook:


In 2018, Democrats took back the Minnesota House of Representatives and maintained control of the governor’s office. In 2020, we are well positioned to take back control of the Senate. With Democrats in control, we will have a new and unique opportunity to pass a momentous, progressive agenda through the legislature and have it signed it into law.

We cannot afford to waste this opportunity by sticking to a status quo which has created such a disparity between rich and poor. District 62 is one of the poorest senate districts in our state. Corporations and landlords are seeing record breaking profits and the wealthiest in our state are not paying their fair share. Meanwhile, the people of our district are facing rising costs of living, including unprecedented increases to their rent and healthcare.

For those who don’t know me, my name is Omar Fateh. I am a community leader and democratic socialist political organizer. I am also a renter, a husband and the child of immigrant parents. I’ve spent my career working to empower people in underserved communities to excel in higher education, participate fully in government, and organize for our shared future. Through my experience, I’ve come to learn that despite our different backgrounds, we are all united by a common belief in fairness, inclusion, and equality. Divided our impact is limited, united we rise together. Today I am announcing that I am seeking the DFL endorsement to represent District 62 in the Minnesota Senate.

Many of you stood by my side when I ran for office in 2018. This time, I am running to take on the establishment directly by challenging an incumbent who has not done enough to address the needs of our district. As your senator, I will not stop fighting until every Minnesotan has housing and healthcare. I will champion legislation to make public transit free, and ensure it reaches every corner of our state. These are only a few of the things we can achieve, but to do so requires us to grow a grassroots, people powered movement to push for change. I hope you will join us as we raise our voices for a more prosperous state.

Fateh’s bio on Facebook reads:

Omar Fateh is the son of immigrant parents from Somalia. His father arrived in America in 1963 on a full scholarship to Montana State University to study civil engineering. His mother immigrated later on, in the early 70’s. Omar was born in Washington, D.C. and raised in Annandale, Virginia. Growing up, he spent every summer in Minnesota—here was his second home. After completing his Master’s Degree in Public Administration at George Mason University, Omar moved to South Minneapolis and has since been working to promote opportunity, justice, and equity for his neighbors.

Omar spent his early career helping underserved communities, especially communities of color, to find opportunities in education. He spent two years as a Community College academic advisor, where he counseled several hundred students in a Pathways program that worked with at-risk youth. These students were mostly students of color who came from low-income households, and many were the first in their family to attend college. He guided them on potential career paths, showed them how to effectively manage a budget, and assisted in paid internship placement and employment.Since moving to Minneapolis, Omar has led efforts to increase voter turnout and to make the Democratic process more inclusive. He has worked for the City of Minneapolis as a Community Specialist, where he worked to improve the City’s outreach to East African communities. In that capacity, he helped register voters, provided election resources and training, and developed new methods of outreach and education for underprivileged and homeless residents.

Omar currently serves as the vice-chair on the Hennepin County 2040 Comprehensive Plan Policy Advisory Committee, which oversees the development of the Hennepin County 2040 Comprehensive Plan. This blueprint will be the County’s overarching policy framework in areas such as education, healthcare, housing, and transportation, with a goal of improving the health and quality of life of residents and the safety of the community. Omar is dedicated to achieving better outcomes for marginalized groups in a way that is targeted, respectful, and sustainable for generations to come.

Complementing a career dedicated to service, Omar has been active with local organizations and initiatives such as Neighborhoods Organizing for Change, VoteYes4Kids, 15Now, Minnesota Association of Public Employees, and the DFL Somali Caucus.

By Deplorable Kel

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9 thoughts on “Muslim Runs For Minnesota State Senate

  1. Listening to a Democrat politician complain about the high costs of living, rent and health care, etc, is laughable. There is NO such thing as Democrats lowering the costs of rent, health care, or anything. The high costs of living in Minnesota can be attributed to past Democrat policies (taxes, regulations, etc) already enshrined into law. Not to mention chasing away the businesses and productive members of society out of state. And if elected, he will enact more legislation which will serve only to send the cost of living even higher.


  2. What a sad day in Minnesota! Just hand over the reins to our enemies. We know the only reason why they are here, but then again so does our government. Kiss your religious Faith goodbye and your government goodbye. There will be Sharia law in the United States because our government is afraid to stand up to the beliefs that our Lord Jesus Christ inspired for us in the Holy Bible!


  3. Who cares if he’s a Muslim if he has good policies? Christianity has murdered 600 Million people over the last 800 years. The mass murderers in America are usually Christian. Islam is a lamb compared to Christianity. I was part of the Christian Army that murdered 4-6 MILLION in SE Asia 50 years ago. I saw American Troops commit many many crimes against humanity. And our troops are still committing murders of innocent civilians today.


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