AOC’s Muslim Bartender Buddy Runs For Congress In New York

AOC’s Muslim Bartender Buddy Runs For Congress In New York

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez‘s buddy and former campaign staffer, who is a 27-year-old bartender, is running for Congress in New York.

Shaniyat Chowdhury is a Democratic candidate for U.S. House of Representatives in New York’s 5th Congressional District.

According to Cowdhury’s website, “He was inspired by the progressive wave of grassroots activism following the 2016 election and became a staffer on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s congressional campaign. As one of her lead organizers, he knocked on thousands of doors, listening and learning about the most pressing hardships in the lives of Queens and Bronx residents.  Shan also served as Ocasio-Cortez’s deputy policy director, where he worked on research for the Green New Deal and other progressive legislative proposals.”

Like Ocasio-Cortez, Chowdhury is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.

Chowdhury wants to Abolish ICE and prisons. He supports reparations, LGBTQIA, abortion, Medicare for all, tuition free college and debt cancelation.

Chowdhury, a muslim born in Queens to Bangladeshi parents, claims that he is “more American than Trump could ever be.”

According to Ballotpedia no Republican candidates have filed to run for this seat.

muslim candidate new york
muslim candidate new york

By Deplorable Kel

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2 thoughts on “AOC’s Muslim Bartender Buddy Runs For Congress In New York

  1. How can he be a Muslim and ‘sharia advocate’ if he supports lgbt rights and is a bar tender?

    It seems that this silly little website thinks ‘Muslim’ is a race and just labels people radical Muslims based on the color of their skin and ethnicity.


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