Muslim man running for Weston City Commission, Seat 2

Muslim man running for Weston City Commission, Seat 2

Saad Khan, a 27-year-old muslim man, is running for Weston City Commission, Seat 2, in Florida.

According to Khan’s website:

Since graduating, Saad has been very active in advocacy, political campaigning, and grassroots organizing. Having worked or assisted on a number of local, state, and presidential campaigns, he has developed a keen understanding of what people look for when making decisions which impact their lives and that of their families.

On Khan’s Facebook page, it states:

I am running because I plan on staying. I plan on building a family, residing, socializing, and working in Weston for the foreseeable future. As such I want to do everything I can to ensure it continues to stay prosperous, serene, and growing. This city has played a part in making me the person I am today, and I want future families to experience what makes this city so special.

Having worked on legislation and advocacy work, I feel I am particularly suited to strike a balance between getting things done, and getting them done right to best serve all Westonians. 

Our city will soon have a Commission made up of individuals who don’t have much governing experience. We should see this as an opportunity to bring forth fresh ideas, new perspectives, and a vision for the future. I am running because I plan on making that future as bright as possible.

The Primary Election is on August 25th 2020 and the General Election is on November 3rd 2020.

By Deplorable Kel

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Muslims running in U.S. Elections (2019-2020)

Muslims Elected in 2018 General Elections (List by State)

Muslim groups aim to get 5,000 muslims to run for office in 2020

6 thoughts on “Muslim man running for Weston City Commission, Seat 2

  1. An occasional read in standard news outlets and newspapers actually is not that big a deal. One reads it and then flips to the next article. Get a concentration of Muslime articles in one place and it is one frightening read. I actually feel sick to my stomach to see so many running for office. My first response was…”where is the outrage from the American people.” It appears there are none, as the muslimes keep producing like rabbits in the USA now. What are we going to do about this.


    1. I believe Americans are being way too complacent about the # of Muslims entering the government offices.
      We all know, have known, since 911 that the Middle Eastern Muslims are planning to infiltrate and bring America down!
      They are here! They are infiltrating!
      They are threatening the very core of our nation.


  2. I hope no muslim win any US Election

    no way ho how

    🎆💓👍TRUMPence2020👍💓🎆 successfully assured
    Amen & Amen!!!


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