Video: Muslim candidate responds to being removed from ballot after using fake name: “The Board of Elections is so racist and it’s their fault!”

Two muslim Bangladeshi candidates have been removed from the ballot in Queens NY for using fake names.

“Mary” Jobaida, who seeks to unseat state Assemblywoman Cathy Nolan (D-Long Island City), and “Moumita” Ahmed, who is running for Democratic district leader in Assembly District 31, were both removed from the ballot by the Board of Elections after it was revealed that the names they’re running under do not match those under which they’re registered to vote.

“Mary” Jobaida’s real name is Meherunnisa Jobaida and Moumita Ahmed’s real name is Atqiya Ahmed.

Read full story here.

See Ahmed’s video response to being kicked off the ballot below:

UPDATE: Supreme Court Judge Leonard Livote ruled that the women’s names be put back on the June 23 primary election ballot.

Article written by Deplorable Kel

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Two Muslims Kicked Off The Ballot For Using Fake Names…Now They’re Crying Racism

Muslim Candidate Speaks Out After Being Removed From Ballot For Using A Fake Name

Muslim Candidate Responds To Being Removed From Ballot For Using Fake Name

Judge Orders Two Muslim Women Back On Ballot After BOE Removed Them For Using Fake Names

12 thoughts on “Video: Muslim candidate responds to being removed from ballot after using fake name: “The Board of Elections is so racist and it’s their fault!”

  1. With the open, aggressive tenet of Islam to replace local governments with Shariah law, it is against Americans’ principles of freedom OF and freedom FROM religions to have muslims in positions of power.


  2. The only place their kind should be allowed, in fact encouraged to run, is back to their Muslim countries.


    1. Islam is diametrically opposed to western secular values. Sharia law is the only law allowed according to their belief system as defined in the Koran and hadith. I wish the so called liberals would wake up and educate themselves. I am a musician and I was told to stop playing at a wedding by an Imam saying ‘music is against my relgion’. I said f off Arsehole!!!!!


    1. Does anyone really believe this snot nosed woman? They lie all the time to promote Islam and should not be allowed in US government as their ideologies are not compatible with our Constitution!


  3. I couldn’t watch it, they took the fucking thing down because it involved a fucking muzzy.


  4. You can’t trust them. They lie as easily as they breath.
    Omar came here using a false name. All her marriages were meant to leave a fuzzy trail of who she is.
    She needs to be deported.
    This fake needs to understand they can not lie and move forward in our system.
    Maybe for them, we should use their laws to punish them. Now what would that be,for this cry baby? A few hundred whip lashes? Stoning? Beheading? They all are so tempting. What do you suggest?


  5. Deception by lying and any other means is acceptable for a Moslem when dealing with non-Moslem and apostates! Sharia states is permissible lo lie to a non-Moslem about anything, anytime!


  6. You Irresponsible,racists POS Could not tell the truth if she was at gun point …go home and do this. you miserable scum. White people get blamed?!? For your ignorance?! Good job


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